votre chérie
I can't remember if I'm the good twin or the evil one

Friday, March 30, 2007

Seeking Socrates, Plato, The Buddha, Aristotle, Descartes

I’ve been bored as hell, so I thought I’d make a list of insightful questions I’m looking for answers for. Please take a moment to answers my questions if you can . . .

Not to take the song title from Creed, but
What is this life for?

Do we really exist?
Or like it is in mathematics, is ‘I’ really imaginary?

Oh yeah, this is a big one,
Does God really exist?

I feel blessed to be able to see, feel and experience the world around me. I know that some are not as lucky as me, so am curious . . .
What would the dreams of blind people be like?

This is one question that has always been on my mind . . .
What is the definition of good and bad?

At the risk of sounding really bitter for having been wronged . . .
Does justice really prevail in the end? Or is “a perfect circle” just a myth?

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Life Nouveau

A door opens screening choices and a new life,
Glimmer fills my eyes and its aroma I inhale,
Sunshine reflects on the road ahead, I tread,
Cautious not to fall, ironic, but my heart is sheltered.

As I stroll down the boulevard fringed with flora,
I turn my head; look back at the door and wonder,
If I will regret the life left behind, but smile
Because I know, where I go, is where I’ve been

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Pro Life/Choice

By the books of Hinduism, Jeeva hathya (killing a life) is a grave sin and abortion is considered a bigger sin than killing a priest or a Bramhan (Brahm hathya). Some people argue that life begins at conception instead of at birth and it is believed that the fetus or embryo has a soul and therefore has a right to live. The mother or the medical practitioner does not have the right to take the life away from it because nature and the parents (of course!) put it there to begin with. Some extremist social conservatives even consider contraceptives tantamount to abortion and abortion tantamount to murder.

Pro-choicers are sick of how the government regulates our personal decisions and forces a mother to bear an unwanted child. They question whether it is morally justified to bring a pregnancy to term when one knows that the mother cannot give the baby the good life it deserves. If prolifers argue that the embryo feels pain then pro-choicers say choose the fetal anesthesia option. After all ours in a democratic country that offers freedom of choice and one doesn’t have to be strained to choose motherhood.

I’m trying to find a middle ground here. I am somewhat pro-choice even though I am personally against abortion. It is unquestionably a personal decision of each individual.

Monday, January 22, 2007

My little angel

She was my little angel that razed sorrow
In my and every life that she touched
Gave all her love like there was no tomorrow
Cheerful even though her life was tough

Was it just yesterday that her smile stirred my heart?
Can’t believe we are now miles apart
Who will now tuck me in at night,
And tell me ‘It’s going to be alright’?

Tears blur up my eyes, miss her
Knowing she is watching us from afar
Her memories will always stay and
I never feel alone for she is in my heart

Friday, January 05, 2007

Rock Paper Scissors

I was introduced to Rock Paper Scissors at a bar while I was on my way to being wasted after funneling a few too many beers. It’s a dull, illogical game used to make quick decisions on minor conflicts or settle arguments. The choices are rock, paper or scissors gesture with the hand. Paper covers rock, rock crushes scissors, scissors cuts paper. Ha! I can understand how rock crushes scissors or how scissors cuts paper, but what I can’t fathom is how paper beats rock. It magically wraps itself around rock leaving it weak and blind??? Shouldn’t it be able to do the same to scissors?

An extension of this game (which is Dr Z’s favorite game) is Rock Paper Scissors Slap. The winner of the game gets to slap the other person. Drunks take this game far too seriously and slap the s*** out of the other person! But you can’t hit a lady unless you are a lady yourself. I have my own exclusive way of playing this game; I shake a couple of times and make the rock gesture with the closed fist. If I win, great; but if I lose, I punch the brains out of my opponent with the previously clenched fist! ;)

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Hard work and excellence

I’m back after a 3-week long hiatus and man, it's good to be back! I defended my master’s thesis last week after many painful years of drudgery. My grandfather always tells me that there is no substitute for hard work, that there’s no such thing as a free lunch. And today it all makes sense to me. By the way, my grandfather is an exceptional man, legendary for the brutal discipline he maintained at home. Dr Z pushed me to work hard just like he pushes himself to unlock his potential, and now excellence has become a habit to him and in turn, my thesis presentation was a grand success, quite a display of excellence actually! I guess my grandfather taught me the importance of hard work but failed to show me the value of humility ;) he he!

And as always, with donkeywork comes rewards. Shown above is a picture of what was waiting for me after my presentation :)

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Lost and found

This verse was written by an old friend, I don’t have his nod to put this up on my blog but I’m sure he won’t mind. I couldn’t help it – it’s just so beautiful . . .

Tuesday, June 6, 2000 12:06 AM
You are bright as a light, full of fun

SunShine, you have fled even 'ere it began
You have flown, you have wings, I know you wish to fly
Please don't go, oh please don't say goodbye

SunShine, my Sunshine
though I know you must be free
don't go tonight
stay a while with me

In your mind there is someone far away
and you'll miss all the fun if u stay
you believe that love is elsewhere to be found
but you're wrong, it's here look around

Look around, look around and you'll see
a better fun and by faith you won't flee
and if you fly away, you'll break my heart in two
please don't go, I'm in love with you so!!!!!

Striking a different note, I’ve been pondering if it’s a good idea to rekindle an old flame or get back together with an ex. I know it’s tempting to hold on to past memories and seems much easier than getting back on the dating scene. Your ex already knows what makes you happy/angry/sad, what your favorite games are, how you like your eggs – there is this familiarity that makes you feel secure. . . . But, it broke for a reason! And old discontents will resurface eventually if they haven’t been dealt with and you will be just signing up for more pain. It may be easier to move on and find happiness elsewhere. One other thought, after a serious breakup, one should take some time out to do some soul-searching and get on track. Some post-breakup healing to make sure the feelings from the past do not impact the way you relate to the present. Don’t make someone your rebound!

My love to all those who have loved!

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